Volunteer to Support COVID Patients and Caregivers
Our project, HEART (Health Enhanced by Adjusting and Recovering Together), launched in March as a collaboration between Michigan Medicine (Dr. Theodore J. Iwashyna, Dr. Hallie Prescott, Dr. Sheria G. Robinson-Lane, and Dr. Amanda Leggett) and the U-M Institute for Social Research (Dr. Richard Gonzalez).
These doctors and researchers have been working with COVID-19 patients and the people caring for them to understand their COVID-19 journey, from pre- though post-hospitalization. This study has collected information through hour-long interviews, an online web form, and virtual focus groups around select topics. You can read more about our study and emerging themes in the news, here and here.
Based on what we have learned from this study, our research team is designing a workbook and volunteer program for COVID-19 patients and the people caring for them. We are currently drafting our first version of these resources. These resources will be piloted out of Michigan Medicine in the upcoming months. We would like to know whether you would be interested in supporting others like you as a volunteer.
The Peer Mentor Program will offer:
– Help connecting COVID-19 patients and caregivers to resources
– Support for COVID-19 patients and caregivers across journey
– An outlet for socialization and friendship
– A chance to learn from others who understand the challenges you face
If you would be interested in volunteering in a future program, please fill out this Google form: http://myumi.ch/E3wAp
Thank you for supporting this important research.
***Please note, completing this form does not guarantee your participation or selection as a volunteer. The answers from this form will solely be used to gauge interest in the program. A Volunteer Coordinator may contact you in the future about your interest.***